Abstract: This paper analysis direct and indirect impacts of technological progress on Indonesia's global
competitiveness, with economic growth and human development as moderator variables. Time
series data on technological progress, economic growth, human development and global
competitiveness of Indonesia were collected many sources and employed in a path analysis
model. The results showed that technological progress had a negative and significant direct
impact on the global competitiveness. Technological progress had also negative and significant
direct impact on human development. Furthermore, technological progress had a positive and
significant direct impact on economic growth, and economic growth had positive impact on
human development and negative impact on global competitiveness. Indirectly, the impacts of
technological progress on global competitiveness varied depend on the path. At P43-P31, indirect
impact through human development, the impact was negative and significant. At P43-P32-P21,
indirect impact through human development and economic growth, the impact was positive and
significant. Finally, at P42-P21, indirect impact through economic growth, the impact was
negative and significant. These findings confirm other research by Author using cross-nations