Authors: Dr. Ajit Kumar Dash
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Dr. Ajit Kumar Dash Asst. Professor in Economics, Birla Global University, IDCO Plot No-2,
Gothapatana, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
MLA 8 Dash, Dr. Ajit Kumar. "AN ANALYSIS OF HIPC TYPE OF DEBT RELIEF MEASURES AND PROSPECT FOR NORTH EASTERN STATES OF INDIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 6, June 2018, pp. 2264-2282, ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=154. Accessed 2018.
APA Dash, D. (2018, June). AN ANALYSIS OF HIPC TYPE OF DEBT RELIEF MEASURES AND PROSPECT FOR NORTH EASTERN STATES OF INDIA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(6), 2264-2282. Retrieved from ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=154
Chicago Dash, Dr. Ajit Kumar. "AN ANALYSIS OF HIPC TYPE OF DEBT RELIEF MEASURES AND PROSPECT FOR NORTH EASTERN STATES OF INDIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 6 (June 2018), 2264-2282. Accessed , 2018. ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=154.
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Abstract: This paper examines the case of north eastern states of India in the framework of HIPC type of
debt relief measures and observed that the impact of debt servicing on the developmental
expenditure has been heterogeneous in the case of NE states and does not show any significant
dominancy over public spending for socio economic development rather the high interest burden
is the major obstacle to achieve debt sustainability. Further, high average cost of borrowing leads
to the high cost of debt servicing. Therefore, HIPC type of debt relief measure or a direct debt
relief measures may not be suitable for the Indian NE states but relief measures should be
directed in the direction of making the borrowing cheaper which will be helpful to augment the
developmental capital expenditure. It is recommended that policy measure can be under taken so
as to make the NE states able to get relived from high cost of borrowing and increasing
unsustainable debt burden.
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