Authors: Dedy Suheimi
, Anna Fatchiya
, Sri Harijati
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Dedy Suheimi1
, Anna Fatchiya2
, Sri Harijati2 1. Master of Extension Development Graduate Program Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor
2. Department of Communications and Community Development Science,Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor
MLA 8 Suheimi, Dedy, et al. "DYNAMICS OF FISH PROCESSOR GROUP IN SUPPORTING BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 7, July 2018, pp. 3110-3120, ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=215. Accessed 2018.
APA Suheimi, D., Fatchiya, A., & Harijati, S. (2018, July). DYNAMICS OF FISH PROCESSOR GROUP IN SUPPORTING BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(7), 3110-3120. Retrieved from ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=215
Chicago Suheimi, Dedy, Anna Fatchiya, and Sri Harijati. "DYNAMICS OF FISH PROCESSOR GROUP IN SUPPORTING BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 7 (July 2018), 3110-3120. Accessed , 2018. ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=215.
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Abstract: Fish processor group was formed to facilitate the achievement of business sustainability.
However, one of the requirements to achieve sustainability i.e. groups must have a high level of
group dynamics. This research aims to identify the level of business sustainability of fish
processor and analyze internal factors, external factors and group dynamics that affect the
sustainability. The research approach is quantitative data with survey methods and uses
questionnaires for collecting the data. The sample of this research was 78 fish processor from
three regencies in Cirebon. Data collected in April 2018. The results showed that the business
sustainability of the fish processor in Cirebon regency are in the high category for economic
aspects, while environmental and social aspects are in the low category. It indicates that
sustainability is focused on increasing productivity. The business sustainability is affected
significantly and positively by the internal, external and group dynamics. Internal factors that
affect are income, cosmopolitan and duration of membership. External factors that affect are the
availability of information, the role of extension workers and the availability of raw materials.
Elements of group dynamics that affect are structure, coaching and development and group
effectiveness. Business sustainability is reflected by economic aspects.
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