Sali Bakare
Business Administration Division, University of the People, California, USA
MLA 8 Bakare, Sali. "BASEL IV AND ITS IMPACTS ON BANKS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 380-390, Accessed 2018.
APA Bakare, S. (2018, January). BASEL IV AND ITS IMPACTS ON BANKS. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(1), 380-390. Retrieved from
Chicago Bakare, Sali. "BASEL IV AND ITS IMPACTS ON BANKS." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 1 (January 2018), 380-390. Accessed , 2018.
References [1]. Dormas B, Pit V. Basel IV: Changing the regulatory landscape of banks. 2017; Retrieved from
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Abstract: The Basel framework, an international standard for bank regulatory capital requirement, was first
enacted in 1988. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has updated the
framework a few times in 1996, 2010, and in 2016. The last update which started in 2016 (coined
as Basel IV) is not yet finalized. The Basel objective is to ensure that banks hold sufficient
capital to cover their risks and facilitate comparability of banks' capital positions. Basel I was
focused on credit risk; and was updated in 1996 to include market risk components. Basel II
allows banks to use their internal models; however, supervisory agencies may impose additional
capital requirement as they deem fit. The 2008 financial crisis triggered an adjustment to Basel II
with the introduction of capital buffer and increased capital requirements. And Basel III was
born. After thorough analysis, the BCBS proposed some amendments to Basel III framework.
With a set of additional disclosure requirements, a revision of the leverage ratio, and a treatment
for sovereign risk exposures to Basel III, Basel IV was proposed. The US is a major advocate of
Basel IV; however, because the Federal Reserve Bank governor resigned in February 2017 and
the Board is missing three other seats, Basel committee has to put a hold on finalizing Basel IV.
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