(Analysis of Supreme Court Verdict No. 1563 k/pdt/2010)
Authors: Dr. Rusdianto Sesung, S.H., M.H. and
Fatimah Zakiyyah, S. Si., S.H
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1Dr. Rusdianto Sesung, S.H., M.H.,
2Fatimah Zakiyyah, S. Si., S.H 1,2Magister Program of Notary At Faculty Law, Surabaya Narotama University, Indonesia
MLA 8 M.H., Dr. Rusdianto Sesung, S.H.,, and Fatimah Zakiyyah. "LIABILITY FOR LAND ACQUISITION OFFICIALS DUE TO LATE REGISTRATION OF DEED OF ASSISTANCE OF ONLINE DEPENDENCY IN LAND OFFICE (Analysis of Supreme Court Verdict No. 1563 k/pdt/2010)." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 2, Feb. 2018, pp. 483-494, ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=34. Accessed 2018.
APA M.H., D., & Zakiyyah, F. (2018, February). LIABILITY FOR LAND ACQUISITION OFFICIALS DUE TO LATE REGISTRATION OF DEED OF ASSISTANCE OF ONLINE DEPENDENCY IN LAND OFFICE (Analysis of Supreme Court Verdict No. 1563 k/pdt/2010). Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(2), 483-494. Retrieved from ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=34
Chicago M.H., Dr. Rusdianto Sesung, S.H.,, and Fatimah Zakiyyah. "LIABILITY FOR LAND ACQUISITION OFFICIALS DUE TO LATE REGISTRATION OF DEED OF ASSISTANCE OF ONLINE DEPENDENCY IN LAND OFFICE (Analysis of Supreme Court Verdict No. 1563 k/pdt/2010)." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 2 (February 2018), 483-494. Accessed , 2018. ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=34.
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Abstract: This research discussed on the Liability for Land Acquisition Officials Due to Late Registration
of Deed of Assistance of Online Dependency in Land Office, with a problem that is ratio
decidendi Supreme Court verdict No. 1563 K/Pdt/2010 which refuses the appeal of the cassation
with the consideration of the debtor cannot prove the delay and the legal consequences for the
creditor for the late registration of the mortgage deed (APHT) by land titles registrar (PPAT) to
the Land Office for the issuance of the mortgage certificate, it is concluded that: Ratio decidendi
Supreme Court Decision No. 1563 K/PDT/2010, which rejects the plaintiff's arguments
concerning the deed of granting rights of mortgages legal disability because PPAT sends the
APHT files more than 7 days after the signed documents is contrary to Article 13 mortgage law
(UUHT). However, the Supreme Court in its verdict rejected the arguments of cassation from the
plaintiff's with the consideration that the appellant cannot prove his arguments. PPAT who is
late in submitting deed granting of mortgages can be said to commit unlawful acts that are
violate the provisions of article 62 government regulation (PP) No. 37 of 1998, but to the delay if
the plaintiff can prove himself to suffer a loss, but if he is cannot prove it, then the PPAT cannot
be liable for liability in the form of compensation on the basis of having acted contempt of court
as an article 1365 Civil Code, due to elements of loss and the causal relationship between the act
and the resulting loss is not fulfilled
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