International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Jeetesh Rai

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Jeetesh Rai
Assistant Professor, KiroriMal College, Department of Geography, University of Delhi, Delhi

Rai, Jeetesh. "ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN URBAN GOVERNANCE AND THE RIGHT TO THE CITY: CASE OF DELHI'S RESETTLED COLONIES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 10, Oct. 2018, pp. 5590-5603, Accessed Oct. 2018.
Rai, J. (2018, October). ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN URBAN GOVERNANCE AND THE RIGHT TO THE CITY: CASE OF DELHI'S RESETTLED COLONIES. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(10), 5590-5603. Retrieved from
Rai, Jeetesh. "ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN URBAN GOVERNANCE AND THE RIGHT TO THE CITY: CASE OF DELHI'S RESETTLED COLONIES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 10 (October 2018), 5590-5603. Accessed October, 2018.

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Today development is seen as a complex process in which different actors are involved. However, the State and civil society are the main performers of a sustained development process. The State is understood as an abstract yet powerful notion that embraces a network of authoritative institutions that make and enforce top-level decisions throughout a territorially defined political entity. On the other hand, civil society is understood as a sphere of multiple relations outside the sphere of the State and the market. Both entities contribute to the development process, covering different aspects of it. By using brief examples and case studies, this paper aims to assess the importance of an active civil society for development. In order to accomplish this objective, I will highlight the role of civil society, with particular reference to Delhi's resettlement colonies, when the State actions don't meet the most deprived necessities, then I will analyse the vision of mainstream development about the role of civil society and the State in the development process, and third I will express the necessity for synergy between the actions of the State and the actions of the civil society.

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