Authors: Muhammad Yusuf Ahmad Gasim, Anas Iswanto, Hamrullah
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1Muhammad Yusuf Ahmad Gasim, 2Anas Iswanto, 3Hamrullah
1. Economic Resource Program Faculty of Economics and Business, Postgraduate School, Hasanuddin University,
Jln perintis Kemerdekaan km. 10, Makassar 20233, Indonesia. 2,3. Lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business, Postgraduate School, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia.
MLA 8 Gasim, Muhammad Yusuf Ahmad, et al. "THE ANALYSIS DETERMINANTS INCOME TRADER MARKET CITY OF WATAMPONE BONE REGENCY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 11, Nov. 2018, pp. 5872-5881, ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=408. Accessed Nov. 2018.
APA Gasim, M., Iswanto, A., & Hamrullah. (2018, November). THE ANALYSIS DETERMINANTS INCOME TRADER MARKET CITY OF WATAMPONE BONE REGENCY. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(11), 5872-5881. Retrieved from ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=408
Chicago Gasim, Muhammad Yusuf Ahmad, Anas Iswanto, and Hamrullah. "THE ANALYSIS DETERMINANTS INCOME TRADER MARKET CITY OF WATAMPONE BONE REGENCY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 11 (November 2018), 5872-5881. Accessed November, 2018. ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=408.
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Abstract: Market traders' income is one of the supporting factors in meeting economic needs. This study
aims to determine the effect of business capital, length of business, working hours, labor and
products on the income of traders in the Palakka market in Watampone city, Bone Regency. This
study uses primary data 2018. The sampling method is taken with the Slovin formula with a total
sample of 63 respondents. The data collected by researchers include the amount of business
capital, the length of time to run a business, working hours in trading, the amount of labor, and
the type of product and the income of traders. Data were analyzed using multiple regression
analysis methods. Partial Test and Simultaneous Test are used to determine the effect of research
variables on income. Results of the study showed that the calculated F value (4.791)> F table
(2.24) then the formula of Ho's hypothesis was rejected. Results of the study showed variable
business capital with a value of 1,523 <1,671, for partial testing of business duration variables
with a value of -1.127 <1,671, working hours partially with a value of -0.378 <1.671, for the
partial labor variable testing of 4.317> 1.671, testing partial variable type of product with a value
of 0.202 <1.671. It was concluded that business capital, business duration, working hours and
products did not have a significant effect on market traders 'income, while labor had a significant
influence on the market traders' income in Watampone City Bone Regency.
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