Authors: Bamlak Yideg, Dr. Peteti Premanandam
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1Bamlak Yideg, 2Dr. Peteti Premanandam
1. Research Scholar, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Andhra University, India.
2. Assistant professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Andhra University, India
MLA 8 Yideg, Bamlak, and Dr. Peteti Premanandam. "HORIZONTAL INEQUALITY AND POLITICAL INSTABILITY IN AMHARA REGION, ETHIOPIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 3, no. 12, Dec. 2018, pp. 6680-6691, ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=470. Accessed Dec. 2018.
APA Yideg, B., & Premanandam, D. (2018, December). HORIZONTAL INEQUALITY AND POLITICAL INSTABILITY IN AMHARA REGION, ETHIOPIA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 3(12), 6680-6691. Retrieved from ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=470
Chicago Yideg, Bamlak, and Dr. Peteti Premanandam. "HORIZONTAL INEQUALITY AND POLITICAL INSTABILITY IN AMHARA REGION, ETHIOPIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 3, no. 12 (December 2018), 6680-6691. Accessed December, 2018. ijsser.org/more2018.php?id=470.
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Abstract: In countries like Ethiopia where democracy is under risk and the ruling government dominates
the people by all mean; strike, mass protest and demonstration (political instability) are
inevitable. There are many reasons for the outbreak of political instability. This article tries to
investigate the causes of political instability in Amhara region, Ethiopia. The paper is qualitative
type and data collected through interview and literature review. The study revealed that,
horizontal inequality (economic, social and political) inequality is one of the main cause that
forced the Amhara people to start struggling TPLF dominated EPRDF government. The Amhara
people have been oppressed by TPL for the last 27 years and lagged behind other regions in all
types' development activities. This condition angered the Amhara people and political instability
erupted across the region to end TPLF oppression.
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