International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Simon K. Ndirangu, Sr. Sabina Mutisya, Sr. Jane Gikonyo

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1Simon K. Ndirangu, 2Sr. Sabina Mutisya, 3Sr. Jane Gikonyo
1. PhD candidate, Department of Psychology, The Counseling Psychology
2. PhD, Department of Psychology, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
3. PhD, Department of Psychology, Tangaza University College

Ndirangu, Simon K., et al. "ENNEAGRAM PERSONALITY TYPES (ENNEATYPES) AND MARITAL SATISFACTION." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 9, Sept. 2019, pp. 6089-6111, Accessed Sept. 2019.
Ndirangu, S., Mutisya, S., & Gikonyo, S. (2019, September). ENNEAGRAM PERSONALITY TYPES (ENNEATYPES) AND MARITAL SATISFACTION. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(9), 6089-6111. Retrieved from
Ndirangu, Simon K., Sr. Sabina Mutisya, and Sr. Jane Gikonyo. "ENNEAGRAM PERSONALITY TYPES (ENNEATYPES) AND MARITAL SATISFACTION." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 9 (September 2019), 6089-6111. Accessed September, 2019.


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The study examined the influence of Enneagram Personality types (enneatypes) and marital satisfaction among couples in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study was based on the Satir's human validation theory that connects couples intrapersonal dynamics to marital systems functioning. The study used a quasi-experimental time series A-B-A research design. The target population was married couples within 5-20 years of marriage from Kiambu County. Multi layered sampling involving purposeful and random sampling was used to select the sample. Priori power analysis was performed to determine the minimum sample size as 44 couples for experimental and control groups each, using free G*power 3.1 software. A sample of 115 couples was randomly assigned to experimental and control group where 58 out of the 115 couples were assigned to the experimental group and 57 to control groups. A short form of standardized 60 items free Enneagram Type Indicator Test and enneatype awareness and couple satisfaction index (CSI-16) questionnaire were used in identifying enneatypes, determining enneatype awareness and marital satisfaction for all the participants in pretest and posttests. Descriptive statistics and one way ANOVA tests were used in data analysis. The study found not significant means difference in marital satisfaction between the nine enneagram personality types suggesting that enneatypes did not significantly influence total marital satisfaction. The study further found significant mean difference in 13 out of 21 marital satisfaction sub-variables between the nine personality types indicating that enneatypes influenced various marital satisfaction sub-variables though largely without enneatype awareness. The findings may be significant in managing couples marital satisfaction through policy and psychotherapeutic treatment.

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