Authors: Kasmad, Udin Ahidin, Ali Maddinsyah and Yuli Budiyati
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Kasmad, Udin Ahidin, Ali Maddinsyah and Yuli Budiyati
Department of Management, Faculty of Economic,
University of Pamulang, South Tangerang, Indonesia.
MLA 8 Kasmad, et al. "BUILDING THE AWARENESS BRAND THROUGH DIGITAL MARKETING AND CELEBRITY ENDORSER KOPER PRODUCTS LOJEL EMPIRICAL STUDY IN PT BUANACITRA INTERNUSA BUMI SERPONG DAMAI (BSD) SOUTH TANGERANG CITY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 2019, pp. 6277-6301, ijsser.org/more2019.php?id=483. Accessed Oct. 2019.
APA Kasmad, Ahidin, U., Maddinsyah, A., & Budiyati, Y. (2019, October). BUILDING THE AWARENESS BRAND THROUGH DIGITAL MARKETING AND CELEBRITY ENDORSER KOPER PRODUCTS LOJEL EMPIRICAL STUDY IN PT BUANACITRA INTERNUSA BUMI SERPONG DAMAI (BSD) SOUTH TANGERANG CITY. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(10), 6277-6301. Retrieved from ijsser.org/more2019.php?id=483
Chicago Kasmad, Udin Ahidin, Ali Maddinsyah, and Yuli Budiyati. "BUILDING THE AWARENESS BRAND THROUGH DIGITAL MARKETING AND CELEBRITY ENDORSER KOPER PRODUCTS LOJEL EMPIRICAL STUDY IN PT BUANACITRA INTERNUSA BUMI SERPONG DAMAI (BSD) SOUTH TANGERANG CITY." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 10 (October 2019), 6277-6301. Accessed October, 2019. ijsser.org/more2019.php?id=483.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of partial digital marketing on brand
awareness, the influence of celebrity endorsers partially on brand awareness, and the influence of
digital and celebrity endorser marketing together on brand awareness on Koper Lojel products at
PT Buanacitra Internusa Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD ) South Tangerang City.
Quantitative associative research methods. The population in this study were 187 Suitcase Lojel
product customers, and 187 respondents were used as saturated samples. Methods of collecting
observational and questionnaire data. Scale-making methods are likert scale and interval scale.
Data analysis methods are validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, simple linear
regression test, multiple linear regression test and hypothesis test.
Research results show that there is a positive and significant influence between digital marketing
partially on brand awareness. It can be seen from the simple linear regression coefficient Y = -
3,960 + 0,916X, the correlation coefficient value is 0,927. The correlation value of the
determination of KD = 85.9%. And the t_count > t_table (33,669> 1,973). There is a positive and
significant influence between celebrity endorsers partially on brand awareness. It can be seen
from the simple linear regression coefficient Y = -1,386 + 1,085X, the correlation coefficient
value is 0.929. The correlation value of the determination of KD = 86.3%. And the value of
tcount > t_table (34.253 > 1.973). There is a very strong and significant positive influence
between digital marketing and celebrity endorsers together on brand awareness of Lojel luggage
products. It can be seen from the multiple regression coefficient Y = -5,392 + 0,482 X1 +
0,590 X2. Correlation coefficient r = 0.922. The coefficient of determination is 85%. Tcount >
t_table (1,084,152 > 3.05).
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