Authors: Vusi Mashinini
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Vusi Mashinini Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Science,
National University of Lesotho, P.O. Roma 180, Lesotho.
MLA 8 Mashinini, Vusi. "THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LESOTHO AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE ROMA REGION: FOCUS ON STREET VENDING ENTERPRISES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 2019, pp. 6500-6517, ijsser.org/more2019.php?id=502. Accessed Oct. 2019.
APA Mashinini, V. (2019, October). THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LESOTHO AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE ROMA REGION: FOCUS ON STREET VENDING ENTERPRISES. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(10), 6500-6517. Retrieved from ijsser.org/more2019.php?id=502
Chicago Mashinini, Vusi. "THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LESOTHO AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE ROMA REGION: FOCUS ON STREET VENDING ENTERPRISES." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 10 (October 2019), 6500-6517. Accessed October, 2019. ijsser.org/more2019.php?id=502.
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Abstract: This study sought to investigate the impact of the National University of Lesotho (NUL) on local
development in the Roma Region with specific reference to street vending enterprises. The study
used quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Major findings show that unintended
impacts of NUL on street vending enterprises were in the provision of both students and
employees as their market located around its campus gates. Furthermore vendors felt that while
these links were meritorious, they were spontaneous and, at times, conflicted with their core
business in street vending by presenting some challenges that hindered the effectiveness of their
businesses. Therefore they recommend that the NUL must start partnership programmes on local
development with street vendors through deliberate policy interventions to promote regional
development within its host community. Some of the areas recommended for partnership were
the development of vending stalls on campus for rent to vendors; NUL assistance in the
regulation and standardisation of vending sheds off campus around its gates for scenic and
environmental sustainability; provision of training on basic bookkeeping, literacy programmes,
environmental health, food and nutrition; horticulture by relevant NUL academic departments;
formation of a joint committee between NUL and the relevant stakeholders from the community
and vendors to synergise activities.. The NUL should act as a catalyst for twinning between the
local vendors and vendors from elsewhere and development partners nationally and globally to
enhance their social capital.
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