International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Anshika Dwivedi

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Anshika Dwivedi
Lotus Valley International School

Dwivedi, Anshika. "STUDYING THE AWARENESS ABOUT POST-OPERATIVE CARE AMONGST MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS IN INDIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 4, no. 12, Dec. 2019, pp. 7394-7401, Accessed Dec. 2019.
Dwivedi, A. (2019, December). STUDYING THE AWARENESS ABOUT POST-OPERATIVE CARE AMONGST MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS IN INDIA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 4(12), 7394-7401. Retrieved from
Dwivedi, Anshika. "STUDYING THE AWARENESS ABOUT POST-OPERATIVE CARE AMONGST MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS IN INDIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 4, no. 12 (December 2019), 7394-7401. Accessed December, 2019.

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Post-operative care is defined as the medical care provided to patients in the time just after surgery. It is considered to be crucial and the absence of efficient post-operative leads to higher mortality and morbidity rates. The medical complications caused due to insufficient postoperative care also burden individuals and governments economically. This paper has established the need for efficient postoperative care in public hospitals in India, which is currently absent. This is caused due to the lack of investment in the public healthcare infrastructure and the lack of awareness about the importance of post-operative care amongst medical staff in public hospitals. The risk factors associated with the lack of postoperative have a detrimental impact on the economically backward population of India which cannot afford quality private healthcare. Lastly, this paper has sought to provide policy recommendations aimed at improving the current scenario-focused around the need for increasing awareness and promoting research around the importance of postoperative care.

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