[1]. Kheri the district head quarter of Lakhimpur. Krishon M.S., Geology of India and Burma Madras, 1960, p.573.
[2]. Wadia, D.N., Geology of India, London, 1949 p.282.
[3]. Burrad S.S on the origin of the Himaliya Moutains, Geological Survey of India, Professional paper no. Calcutta 1912, p.11.
[4]. Medicott, H-B and Blanford, W.T., A Mannual of the the Geology of the India London 1879 p.393.
[5]. J.B. and Roy, P.C. report on the Sodiam Salt on Reh in the U.P., records of the Geological Survey of India, Professionl paper no.1, Calcutta, 1942, p.3.
[6]. District Gazetters, Hardoi, Vol 32, Allahabad p.7.
[7]. River Ghaghara was formerly known as Ghaghara, which is a corrupt word of Ghaghara meaning ‘ratting or laughing’.
[8]. District Gazetters, Kheri, Vol XLVII 1903 p. 14.
[9]. Pedelaborbe, P, The Monsoon, Translated by clegg, M.J. London, 1963, p.4.
[10]. a) The Government of U.P. initiated a sample soil survey scheme in 1950. Based on A.N. stewast’s report ‘Soil fertility investigation in India with special Reference to manuring. The soil from the field of sample villages were analysed and textural classification of it was published in four volumes entitled soil survey and soil works in U.P. (Allahabad). But no sample village was taken from the region under study.
a. b) Agricultural chemist during the year 1964-68 suveyed the district of ‘Kheri dur to the unpubished records the soil data are not available.
[11]. 11. i) Report on the revision of records and settlements operations in the district of Sitapur. (Allahabad 1889).
a. ii) District Gazetter of Hardoi Vol XLVIII p.98.
b. iii) District Gazetter of Sitapur Vol XLVIII p.57.
c. iv) District Gazetter of Kheri Vol XLVIII p.76.
[12]. i) D.N. Wadia, Krishnan M.S. & Mukharjee P.M. Soil Map of the Geological Survey of India, Members
a. ii) Ray Chaydhry S.P. & others-soils of India (New Delhi, 1963)