Authors: Edwin Aldrianto
, Bambang Juanda
, Sri Mulatsih
and dan Ernan Rustiadi
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Edwin Aldrianto1
, Bambang Juanda2
, Sri Mulatsih2
and dan Ernan Rustiadi3 1. PT. Salakadomas Nusantara Jalan Ahmad Sobana 107 Kota Bogor 2,3. Regional and Rural Development Planning Study Postgraduate Program, IPB UniversityIPB University
Campus Dramaga Wing 10 Level 4 Kamper Street, Bogor 4. Center for Regional System Analysis, Planning and Development (CrestPent), IPB UniversityIPB
University Campus Baranangsiang Pajajaran Street, Bogor
MLA 8 Aldrianto, Edwin, et al. "STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING RURAL TOURISM BASED ON TERRITORIAL CAPITAL IN THE WESTERN AREA OF BOGOR REGENCY, WEST JAVA PROVINCE, INDONESIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 5, no. 8, Aug. 2021, pp. 2655-2668, doi.org/10.46609/IJSSER.2021.v06i08.005. Accessed Aug. 2021.
APA 6 Aldrianto, E., Juanda, B., Mulatsih, S., & Rustiadi, D. (2021, August). STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING RURAL TOURISM BASED ON TERRITORIAL CAPITAL IN THE WESTERN AREA OF BOGOR REGENCY, WEST JAVA PROVINCE, INDONESIA. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 5(8), 2655-2668. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.46609/IJSSER.2021.v06i08.005
Chicago Aldrianto, Edwin, Bambang Juanda, Sri Mulatsih, and Dan Ernan Rustiadi. "STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING RURAL TOURISM BASED ON TERRITORIAL CAPITAL IN THE WESTERN AREA OF BOGOR REGENCY, WEST JAVA PROVINCE, INDONESIA." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 5, no. 8 (August 2021), 2655-2668. Accessed August, 2021. https://doi.org/10.46609/IJSSER.2021.v06i08.005.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to design a rural tourism development strategy in the Western Area
of Bogor Regency of West Java Province (Indonesia) using the SMIC PROB- EXPERT method
and software. Four hypotheses (choice of strategy) were developed based on the territorial capital
of this location, namely "Agro Tourism" (modern agriculture and human resources skilled in
managing high value commodities and tourist attractions), "Concession" (Granting concessions
to the private sector to manage National Park/state forest areas), "Infrastructure" (Improved road
network to locations) and "ComDev" (community development initiatives with social, economic
and ecological dimensions). Based on the calculation results, the biggest net simple probability is
the "concession" hypothesis (59%). Processing of perception data on these four scenarios results
in 2n (24 = 16) combination of hypotheses, and the largest is combination number 16-0000
(10.9%) which means none of the hypotheses are implemented, then 02-1110 (10.1%) which
means the combination of agrotourism + concessions + infrastructure, and 10-0110 (9.9%) which
means the combination of concessions + infrastructure. Based on sensitivity analysis shows that
the top of absolute value is on agrotourism (1.031) and concessions (0.967) so that both are
prime movers. Thus the government's attention is to encourage agro-tourism investment and
provide concessions to national park operators with good governance.
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