International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Dr. Ashwini Darekar and Dr. K. C. Gummagolmath

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Dr. Ashwini Darekar and Dr. K. C. Gummagolmath
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad- 500 030, INDIA

Darekar, Dr. Ashwini, and Dr. K. C. Gummagolmath. "RESILIENT PRACTICES ADOPTED BY KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA’S (KVKS) DURING COVID-19." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 6, no. 9, Sept. 2021, pp. 3183-3195, Accessed Sept. 2021.
Darekar, D., & Gummagolmath, D. (2021, September). RESILIENT PRACTICES ADOPTED BY KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA’S (KVKS) DURING COVID-19. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 6(9), 3183-3195. Retrieved from
Darekar, Dr. Ashwini, and Dr. K. C. Gummagolmath. "RESILIENT PRACTICES ADOPTED BY KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA’S (KVKS) DURING COVID-19." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 6, no. 9 (September 2021), 3183-3195. Accessed September, 2021.


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The COVID-19 lockdown has impacted different sectors of the Indian economy. Its impact on Indian agriculture has been complex and diverse across various segments of agricultural value chain and across season. When the lockdown was announced, rabbi crops like wheat, chickpea, mustard etc. were to be harvested. Further, the most significant reasons contributing to impact of COVID-19 were similar for both perishable and non-perishable commodities. Lockdown resulted in lesser demand which resulted in decline in the prices of commodities. FPOs found it challenging to transport the agri. produce to either market or to consumer. The purchases from markets and from FPOs were significantly hampered due to the shortage of credit to the traders. . However, with the help of some institutes like KVK and NGOs, few of the FPOs played significant role in marketing of their produce and were able to reach consumers during the lockdown period. These innovative approaches are worth emulating in other places and under any crisis period. Hence, an attempt has been made in this paper to ascertain and analyse the role of KVKs in inducing COVID-19 resilient marketing practice. The study found that COVID like situation may occur any time in future and hence, we need to be prepared for such situation. Especially agriculture sector, which caters to the daily food needs of general public, it is inevitable to have resilient practices to counter any unforeseen situation. The study suggest that the COVID-19 resilient practices adopted by KVKs are invaluable and other institutions and agencies have to emulate these practices to combat any unforeseen disaster like COVID-19.

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