International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Assoc, Ph.D. Hoang Thanh Tung and Tran Cong Nguyen

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Assoc, Ph.D. Hoang Thanh Tung1 and Tran Cong Nguyen2
1. University of Labor and Social Affairs
2. Yen Hoa High School

Tung, Hoang Thanh, and Tran Cong Nguyen. "THE FACTORS AFFECT THE INVESTMENT INTENTIONS OF VIETNAMESE YOUTH." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 2023, pp. 2518-2552, Accessed Sept. 2023.
Tung, H., & Nguyen, T. (2023, September). THE FACTORS AFFECT THE INVESTMENT INTENTIONS OF VIETNAMESE YOUTH. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 8(9), 2518-2552. Retrieved from
Tung, Hoang Thanh, and Tran Cong Nguyen. "THE FACTORS AFFECT THE INVESTMENT INTENTIONS OF VIETNAMESE YOUTH." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 8, no. 9 (September 2023), 2518-2552. Accessed September, 2023.


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The study surveyed 306 young people to find out investment intentions and factors affecting the investment intentions of Vietnamese youth. The number of valid votes included in the analysis was 243 votes, the figures were cleaned and processed using SMARTPLS software. The research results show that, among 6 factors taken into consideration with 95% confidence, “Perceived behavior control” (NTKS) has the strongest influence on the investment intentions of young people living in Vietnam with an impact of 0.314; followed by the factor "Attitude towards investment" (TDDT) with an impact of 0.221, The "Profitability and Stability" (KNSL) factor has an impact level of 0.200. With a confidence of 90%, it can be concluded that the factor "Attitude towards money" (TDTB) influences 0.118. Based on the results of the analysis, the research team had some discussions to motivate young people to raise their awareness and ability to be ready to make investment activities.

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