Authors: Mahiyah Muthukumaran, Brandon Rhodes, Thomas Winston, Joshua Yoo, Jagadeepram
Maddipatla, Abhishek Krishnan and Parth Jaiswal
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Mahiyah Muthukumaran, Brandon Rhodes, Thomas Winston, Joshua Yoo, Jagadeepram
Maddipatla, Abhishek Krishnan and Parth Jaiswal Duke University And AI Academy
MLA 8 Muthukumaran, Mahiyah, et al. "THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ACCURATE AND EFFECTIVE CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK TO DIAGNOSE PARKINSON’S DISEASE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 8, no. 3, Mar. 2023, pp. 504-509, doi.org/10.46609/IJSSER.2023.v08i03.011. Accessed Mar. 2023.
APA 6 Muthukumaran, M., Rhodes, B., Winston, T., Yoo, J., Maddipatla, J., Krishnan, A., & Jaiswal, P. (2023, March). THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ACCURATE AND EFFECTIVE CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK TO DIAGNOSE PARKINSON’S DISEASE. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 8(3), 504-509. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.46609/IJSSER.2023.v08i03.011
Chicago Muthukumaran, Mahiyah, Brandon Rhodes, Thomas Winston, Joshua Yoo, Jagadeepram Maddipatla, Abhishek Krishnan, and Parth Jaiswal. "THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ACCURATE AND EFFECTIVE CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK TO DIAGNOSE PARKINSON’S DISEASE." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 8, no. 3 (March 2023), 504-509. Accessed March, 2023. https://doi.org/10.46609/IJSSER.2023.v08i03.011.
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ABSTRACT: In 2022, a Parkinson’s Foundation-based study reported that about 90,000 people are diagnosed
with Parkinson’s disease in the US each year (Parkinson's Foundation, 2018). Around 7 to 10
million individuals worldwide are currently living with Parkinson’s, making it the second most
common neurodegenerative disorder in the world (Parkinson's News Today, 2023). Parkinson’s
disease predominantly affects the neurons that produce dopamines in two areas of thebrain
called the basal ganglia and the substantia nigra (Mayfield Clinic, 2018). However, there is no
cure for this chronic disease nor is it easy to diagnose, especially in its early stages (Parkinson's
Foundation, 2018). Because symptoms often appear only 1-2 years after the disease, people are
often left undiagnosed during this period (Mayo Clinic, 2015). With this being said, reliable
methods of diagnosis are vital to individuals with Parkinson’s. As a solution, a convolutional
neural network algorithm was developed to accurately and effectively diagnose Parkinson’s in
patients using audio and biometric data. The capabilities of the convolutional neural network
algorithm allowed for 2 results: either the patient has Parkinson’s or the patient doesn’t have
Parkinson’s. Our algorithm showed an accuracy of 0.7528.
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