International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Mahila and Children’s Gram Sabhas as Catalysts for Community Participation: A Review of Their Role in Rural Governance

Dr. Ananda Gowda, N and Dr. Shashikumara, T P

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Dr. Ananda Gowda, N1 and Dr. Shashikumara, T P2
1. Assistant Professor, DoS&R in Political Science, KSOU, Mysuru-06
2. Assistant Professor, DoS&R in Economics, KSOU, Mysuru-06

N, Dr. Ananda Gowda,, and Dr. Shashikumara T P. "Mahila and Children’s Gram Sabhas as Catalysts for Community Participation: A Review of Their Role in Rural Governance." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 9, no. 12, Dec. 2024, pp. 5709-5719, Accessed Dec. 2024.
N, D., & T P, D. (2024, December). Mahila and Children’s Gram Sabhas as Catalysts for Community Participation: A Review of Their Role in Rural Governance. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 9(12), 5709-5719. Retrieved from
N, Dr. Ananda Gowda,, and Dr. Shashikumara T P. "Mahila and Children’s Gram Sabhas as Catalysts for Community Participation: A Review of Their Role in Rural Governance." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 9, no. 12 (December 2024), 5709-5719. Accessed December, 2024.


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This study investigates the role of Mahila Gram Sabhas (Women’s Gram Assemblies) and Children’s Gram Sabhas in promoting participatory governance in rural India, with a focus on empowering women and children through reviewing the various research works. These forums serve as platforms for addressing critical issues such as health, domestic violence, education, and child rights. Through Mahila Gram Sabhas, women are provided an opportunity to engage in local governance and decision-making, amplifying their voices and fostering empowerment. Similarly, Children’s Gram Sabhas offer children the chance to raise concerns related to education, sanitation, and healthcare, thereby promoting child welfare and local development. However, both forums face significant challenges, including societal barriers, resource constraints, and limited legal awareness, which hinder their full potential. This study aims to evaluate the impact of these forums on empowering women and children and identify strategies for overcoming these barriers. A review of existing literature, case studies, and interviews with participants and local officials forms the basis for the analysis. The findings highlight the positive impact of these forums in fostering inclusive governance, but underscore the need for greater institutional support and awareness-building to ensure their long-term effectiveness.

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