International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Sustainable Livelihood Among Dairy Farmers in India: A Micro Level Study

Resmi R.S

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Resmi R.S
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, H.H.M.S.P.B NSS College for women, Neeramankara, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 695040, Kerala, India

R.S, Resmi. "Sustainable Livelihood Among Dairy Farmers in India: A Micro Level Study." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 9, no. 12, Dec. 2024, pp. 6053-6060, Accessed Dec. 2024.
R.S, R. (2024, December). Sustainable Livelihood Among Dairy Farmers in India: A Micro Level Study. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 9(12), 6053-6060. Retrieved from
R.S, Resmi. "Sustainable Livelihood Among Dairy Farmers in India: A Micro Level Study." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 9, no. 12 (December 2024), 6053-6060. Accessed December, 2024.


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A dairy cooperative is a business that secures its associated producers through an indivisible collective ownership of all its members-cooperators. It is noteworthy that in view of all the disadvantages in smallholders, especially the small-scale, it is important to create a class of family farmers through cooperatives to improve their competitiveness. Dairy production is defined as all those aspects and activities relating to rising of dairy animals during their various phases of life to get wholesome milk. Dairy farmers in India raise animals at a small scale in traditional ways. When dairy farming is organized, savings of total labour costs in dairy farming becomes particularly important due to stabilization and further increases in productivity are not possible without a significant reduction in production costs. The most active and transformative impact on the entire System of factors of productivity in the industry provides scientific and technical progress. A micro level study from the 50 dairy farmers in the Thalayal Milk Cooperative society shows the improvement in livelihood of the dairy farmers and their sustainability.

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