International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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The Expansion of Sustainable Investment Funds in India: Trends and Challenges

Charuta Arora

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Charuta Arora
Pathways School Gurgaon, Haryana, India, 122009

Arora, Charuta. "The Expansion of Sustainable Investment Funds in India: Trends and Challenges." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 9, no. 12, Dec. 2024, pp. 6177-6190, Accessed Dec. 2024.
Arora, C. (2024, December). The Expansion of Sustainable Investment Funds in India: Trends and Challenges. Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 9(12), 6177-6190. Retrieved from
Arora, Charuta. "The Expansion of Sustainable Investment Funds in India: Trends and Challenges." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 9, no. 12 (December 2024), 6177-6190. Accessed December, 2024.


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The last couple of years have witnessed the world focus enormously on sustainable development. This has made the governments and the corporations to reconsider the optimal lit and strategies to deal with the most emergent ESG issues. Therefore, the discussion of sustainable development has emerged as a critical issue on the international level. Indian Government, who already claims a much large stake in global economy, is a choice maker to take up sustainability as responsibility and as a business model. This approach suggests that only a particular set of possibilities and challenges is associated with the road to sustainable development in India. On one hand, I believe that due to the diversified population of the nation, entrepreneurial attitude, and growing interest in innovative solutions, sustainable initiatives in the country have all the prerequisites for growth and further evolution. This is possible because the nation is increasingly coming to appreciate the need for innovation. This country has many challenges, some of which are scarce resources, poor infrastructure and convoluted laws, regulations, and policies that can hinder easy adoption of principles of sustainability in the context of the country’s economic system. A striking advantage of engaging in sustainable investment is that it also assures that firms will be appraised in the context of their social impact as well. It is of strategic importance for an investor to carefully consider a range of factors that could be classified into environmental, political and social dimensions this study aims at establishing the current status of sustainable investment environment in India, the challenges, opportunities and prospects. Due to the Emerging Sustainable Investment Funds, which are based on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Factors India’s financial sector has undergone a paradigm shift in the financial sector of India. This paper aims to analyze the growth path of ESG investment funds in India, assess fund performance benchmarks for conventional funds, and posture the ESG investment funds for global analysis. Further, it examines how regulatory measures and disclosure policies, set out by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), contribute to the effort of promoting a culture of sustainable investment. To sum up, for the purpose of benefiting from this steadily increasing tendency in investing, the actions that can contribute to a higher level of participation of the retail public in sustainable funds have been recommended.

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