International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research
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Baj Lai Desai, Kumar Parekh and Rajlal Vadgama

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Baj Lai Desai, Kumar Parekh and Rajlal Vadgama
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Desai, Baj Lai, et al. "SECURITIZATION NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS ON THE BLOCKCHAIN ." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 2021, pp. 4971-4989, Accessed Dec. 2021.
Desai, B., Parekh, K., & Vadgama, R. (2021, December). SECURITIZATION NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS ON THE BLOCKCHAIN . Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research, 6(12), 4971-4989. Retrieved from
Desai, Baj Lai, Kumar Parekh, and Rajlal Vadgama. "SECURITIZATION NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS ON THE BLOCKCHAIN ." Int. j. of Social Science and Economic Research 6, no. 12 (December 2021), 4971-4989. Accessed December, 2021.

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Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is regarded as one of the important applications of blockchain technology. In this article, we propose an asset-backed securities (ABS) scheme that splits the complete NFT into a certain number of units, which are shared by multiple participants. On the one hand, ABS plans to promise high-value and long-term investment returns by enhancing the market liquidity of NFTs. On the other hand, securitized NFTs can participate in De-Fi as an automated market maker (AMM), just like AMM in alternative tokens. However, when a participant with a portion of the NFT tries to obtain full ownership of the NFT, the acquisition process may face some obstacles, including strategic bidding. Therefore, we proposed a game theory model and de- signed a novel NFT repurchase mechanism to overcome these obstacles. Our solution helps to successfully carry out the repurchase process at a reasonable price when issuing single-chip NFT asset-backed securities.

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